Chevre Kadisha Conference – Atlanta Jewish News
By Fran Memberg
May 2010
This is a series of stories on the upcoming [June 6-8,2010] Chevre Kadisha Conference in Atlanta. Writer Fran Memberg has worked on the pieces and compiled stories, interviews and useful information on a subject often overlooked, and more often, unknown in portions of the Jewish community. We hope this series has enlightened and educated our readers. Check with your local synagogue or use the links below to find out more about your area Chevre Kadisha group. Also thank you to Dressler’s Jewish Funeral Care for information on Jewish burial by way of literature and interviews.
Part 1: Atlanta to Host Conference on Jewish Burial Traditions, Cemeteries | Kavod v’Nichum (honor and comfort), an organization that educates about the Jewish traditions of death and dying, will co-host the eighth annual American Chevra Kadisha and Jewish Cemetery Conference June 6 to 8 at the Marriott Perimeter Center in Dunwoody. |
Part 2: New Life Breathed Into Old Traditions | The mission of Kavod v’Nichum, a Columbia, Md.-based non-profit organization, is to restore the traditions and values of honoring the dead (kavod hamet) and comforting the bereaved (nichum avelim) to Jewish death and bereavement practices. |
Part 3: A Plain Pine Box | Rabbi Arnold Goodman … will be the keynote speaker at the eighth annual American Chevra Kadisha and Jewish Cemetery Conference June 6 to 8 at the Marriott Perimeter Center…. |
Part 4: Leading the Way For Reform Chevre Kadisha | About 10 years ago, Temple Emanu-El member Reba Herzfeld went on a Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta mission to Israel. |
Part 5: Restoring Jewish Cemeteries Is Harley Felstein’s Mission | …independent cemeteries, often owned by synagogues or other Jewish organizations, did not receive proper care. |
Part 6: Jewish burial, mourning, and ritual terms and resources | Resources and Terms |