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Home  »  Suicide

Jewish Views on Suicide

Burying a Suicide
German-Jewish Suicide in the 1930’s
Moral Dilemmas Faced by Jewish Doctors During the Holocaust
Suicide Attempts of the Jewish People
Greg & My Dear Jewish Friend
Stopping a Suicide

Physician Assisted Suicide

Physician-Assisted Suicide Under Jewish Law
A Jewish Response to Doctor Assisted Suicide
Against Assisted Suicide And For Pain Relief
A Jewish “Right” To Commit Suicide?
Pain Relief And The Risk Of Suicide

A Jewish Perspective on Assisted Suicide – Sermon given October 18, 1996, by Rabbi Barry H. Block, Beth-Elsa.org.

Prevention Programs

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Depression and Suicide Awareness for information on depression and suicide
Suicidal.com dedicated to the treatment of suicidal depression
The Yellow Ribbon Program, For The Prevention Of Teen Suicide
Elder Suicide, an elder suicide information source
Possible warning signs of suicide from San Francisco Suicide Prevention
The High School Suicide Prevention Program from Mental Health Screening



Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.
Guns aren’t lawful,
Nooses give,
Gas smells awful.
You might as well live.” 
– Dorothy ParkerEnough Rope