Rabbi Stuart Kelman
Netivot Shalom
Some suggestions given the unique circumstances this year. Some of these tips came from a document produced by the editors of the Mahzor.
- Take a piyyut and spend some time focusing intensely on it. Examples: Adonai Melekh – p.84; Ki Hinei KaChomer p. 227; Lekh B’simcha p.418
- English readings that may resonate more this year:
- A Morning Prayer p.37 (on being alone)
- Unify our Hearts p.76 (work we can do even though we’re apart from one another
- The Thread p.155 (what connects us is something larger
- Entering Community p.202
- Standing before God (merle Feld) p.204
- Belief p.319
- Meditation p.419
- Spiritual Security p.421
- Arvit
- Kiddush Hashanah p.20-23 (great place to add your own meditations)
- Rosh Hashanah At Home p.29-32
- Shaharit
- Brief quote by Heschel on gratefulness p.90
- Shofar Blowing
- Prayers of Brokenness and Wholeness p.115-116
- Prayers for our country and Israel p.117 (especially this year)
- Musaf
- Unetaneh Tokef p.143-144
- Kadya Molodowsky poem p.163-164 about the fear of those unknown to us
- Prostration – Aleinu p.154 physical movement to express deep feelings
- Yom Kippur
- Poem by Saul Ansky p.326
- Tefilah Zaka p.203
- Heneshamah lach p.225 –consciousness of our body
- Ki heneih kahomer p.227 human vulnerability
- Meditation on human life p.228
- Yizkor
- Musaf – Prayers for Gemilut hesed p.335
- Neilah
- Avraham ben Yitzchaq p.392 calls us to dream of a better world
- Piyyut p.410 What gates do we want opened this year?