Service at the Consecration of a Tombstone
from pages 241-247 of Death and Bereavement – A Halakhic Guide by Rabbi Abner Weiss
1. Ashrei – Psalm 1:1-1:6 – Happy is the man
2. For a man: Mi Yaaleh – starts with Psalm 24:1-24:5 – Who may ascend
3. For a woman: Aishet Chayil – Woman of valor
4. Shamrani Ail – Guard me O God
5. 23rd Psalm
6. Adonay maon – Thou hast been a dwelling place
7. Dirshoo Adonay – Seek ye the Lord
8. Enosh cechatzir – As for the man, his days are as grass
9. Eulogy
10. Kaddish
11. El Malay Rachamim